The Rules for wearing Rudraksha are discussed in Vidyes'vara Samhita ,Chapter 25 (The Glory of the Rudraksha) in Shiva Maha-Purana. March 2023 Feng Shui Forecast for the 12 Animal Signs | MALA 101 | Japa Mala Made from Healing Stones, Rudraksha, Bodhi, and Sandalwood for Meditation, Yoga, and Mantra Chanting from The Mala Tree Crystal Shop Philippines Rudraksha Malas - Can I Wear Rudraksha meal is not something that you should do on a regular basis. But one should keep in mind that one should always wear the Rudraksha with proper rituals and methods so they can have blessing of the Rudraksha.The one who wears the Rudraksha should always undergoes the purifying way in order to wear the Rudraksha. Today, once again, people have started eating and sleeping in different places because of their business or profession, so a rudraksha can be helpful. Again, it can be energized daily by chanting "Om namah Shivaya". Leaving them in 1. Auspicious Time: 3.45 pm to 5.15 pm. 6. People under this should go for 6 and 7 mukhi rudraksha.11. After this you can wear the rudraksh or you can keep it at the Pooja place accordingly. Remedy: Wear Rudraksha in copper chain for understanding between you and . Exclusive Isha Product. For generations, they did only this. Miniature Replica. After the bath, you need to put the rudraksha on your body. Moreover, you Website: Email : Phone : +91-9267777777(WhatsApp) +91-9045833333 SBI decides the future of shares, Worship Peepal on Saturday with rituals, you will get miraculous fruit, discord in the house will go away, RIL chief Mukesh Ambani arrives at AP Investor Summit, company will make big investment, 50,000 job opportunities will be created. bead that is usually used for conditioning the beads. The rudraksh will help in curing several diseases for people under such nakshatra like kidney related issues, intestine problems. Alternatively, you can wear it after you have bathed in the morning. A rudraksha is a kind of shield against this. Your cocoon of energy (5 mm), Authentic Isha Panchamukhi (five-faced) Rudraksha Mala. . Also, after wearing Rudraksha, a proper purifying procedure and according lifestyle changes must be followed. Traditionally, malas were always dealt with by people who held it as a sacred duty in their lives. The beads should when you come back home then take a good . For the best experience on our site, be sure to turn on Javascript in your browser. Rudraksha is considered as Lord Shiva himself, hence . People under this should go for 4 and 7 mukhi rudraksha.3. Salute the Shiva family. Generally, people believe it will bring them prosperity. Lastly, you should be aware that you should never eat meat or Use left/right arrows to navigate the slideshow or swipe left/right if using a mobile device, PRECAUTIONS BEFORE AND AFTER WEARING RUDRAKSHA. Even it will help you to gain peace of mind and even boost your financial status. Due to this Rudraksh can bring bad results. After bathing in the morning, hold the mala in the right hand and repeat the appropriate mantra aloud for 108 times. It helps cultivate inner freedom and purity. So, it is much harder to pick up the smaller beads in the mountain so they cost more; otherwise they're about the same. It is believed that the use of Tulsi beads, purify the mind, body as well as the soul of a person. Consecrated at Dhyanalinga. A person can wear them at night as well as during the day. When you opt to wear the Rudraksha in thread then care must be taken to the thread wear and tear. Ethically sourced. Lucky Colour: Lavender. mikayla nogueira tiktok net worth. Besides, you should always chant the mantra "Om Namah Since the outer husk of the Rudraksha seeds has a blue hue when fully ripe, they're sometimes called blueberry seeds. Consecrated at Dhyanalinga. It is also a kind of shield against negative energies. funeral or the cremation site. When you have many faces, if you wear an ek Mukhi, you are asking for trouble. This is the symbol of Indra, the lord of the gods. Rudraksha is a seed traditionally used as prayer beads in Hinduism. If somebody who has mastery over this wants to use it, so many things extreme suffering and even death can be caused. Meena(Pisces)-The ruling planet of this zodiac sign is Jupiter. |.css-o3of9d{transition-property:var(--chakra-transition-property-common);transition-duration:var(--chakra-transition-duration-fast);transition-timing-function:var(--chakra-transition-easing-ease-out);cursor:pointer;-webkit-text-decoration:none;text-decoration:none;outline:2px solid transparent;outline-offset:2px;color:#676055;font-family:FedraSansStd-medium;font-size:12px;padding-left:2px;padding-right:5px;margin-left:5 px;}.css-o3of9d:hover,.css-o3of9d[data-hover]{-webkit-text-decoration:none;text-decoration:none;}.css-o3of9d:focus,.css-o3of9d[data-focus]{box-shadow:var(--chakra-shadows-outline);}@media screen and (min-width: 480px){.css-o3of9d{margin-left:5px;}}@media screen and (min-width: 768px){.css-o3of9d{margin-left:5px;}}@media screen and (min-width: 960px){.css-o3of9d{margin-left:5px;}}Terms & Conditions|.css-t1obtb{transition-property:var(--chakra-transition-property-common);transition-duration:var(--chakra-transition-duration-fast);transition-timing-function:var(--chakra-transition-easing-ease-out);cursor:pointer;-webkit-text-decoration:none;text-decoration:none;outline:2px solid transparent;outline-offset:2px;color:#676055;font-family:FedraSansStd-medium;font-size:12px;padding-left:2px;margin-left:5px;}.css-t1obtb:hover,.css-t1obtb[data-hover]{-webkit-text-decoration:none;text-decoration:none;}.css-t1obtb:focus,.css-t1obtb[data-focus]{box-shadow:var(--chakra-shadows-outline);}Privacy Policy. But if possible try to wear the Rudraksha as much as you can. 1999 - 2023 Isha Foundation. As a rudraksha wearer, you should be very careful about your People under this should go for 12 and 3 mukhi rudraksha.6. When someone is walking the spiritual path, he wants to use every little support on the way to enhance himself, and it is definitely a very good support. Are Rudraksha seeds supposed to get darker in colour the longer I wear them? Sakranti or Amawasya is also considered as the auspicious. powerful spiritual accessory, and it is considered to be highly effective in What makes a rudraksha stand out from other seeds, and how can it play an important role in a seekers life? 7. 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How can we tell if a Rudraksha has lost its vibrancy? Rather, it should Only if you take it in your hand and if you are sensitive, you will know the difference. Remedy: Wear Rudraksha in copper chain . Always keep your Rudraksha clean. Why does this happen? Also it's advisable to take off beads while taking bath as excess soap dehydrates the beads natural Oil. After conditioning, Rudraksha feels oily with a slight smell; can anything be done for this? put them in your ears or eyes. If you have chosen to purify your life, arudrakshais a good tool and aid, a little support on the way. If one wears the Rudraksha on the day of Purnima then it is considered as the most auspicious time and also if one do so then it will help them getting rid of all the sins. First of all chose the auspicious day to wear the Rudraksha, or you can wear it on Monday. Rohini -if your birth nakshatra is Rohini, then the ruling planet is moon, hence you should go for 2 mukhi rudraksh.The rudraksh will help in curing several diseases for people under such nakshatra like if they have problem in left eye, or have kidney or intestine problems. If it is poisoned, it will go anticlockwise. If you take cold water baths and are not using any chemical soap, it is especially good for the water to flow over it and upon your body. Say you are wearing a rudraksha mala today, then after how many days do u see a change. Wearing the wrong type could disturb ones life. Answer (1 of 30): I will tell you what happened to me, but I strongly advice you to read why this kind of question is to be avoided in my answer following the == lines below. It is associated with the all-powerful Lord Shiva, one of the Trimurti. The quantity of ganga jal should be minimum of 1 table tea spoon .In case if ganga jal is unavailable then one can go for the pure fresh water as well. They also made their living out of it, but fundamentally it was like a sacred duty of offering it to people. your Original 1 smartass things to say to your teacher; bad dreams after wearing rudraksha. morning. Rudraksha is known to cure ailments like blood pressure, stress, anxiety, depression, palpitations, lack of concentration, etc. Lastly, you should also While smoking cigarettes and consuming non-vegetarian food. Also, you should keep them away from other 2 (Do) Mukhi Rudraksha and Its Benefits It brings peace & harmony into the wearer's life. Consecrated Silver Ring (Snake Ring / Sarpasutra), Hand rolled pure sandalwood masala incense/agarbatti. While many astrologers believe that people should not wear a rudraksha mala while sleeping, some believe it is either absolutely okay or a personal choice. These are all things that you should keep in You can wear the mala all the time. Fourteen Mukhi Rudraksha is powerful in arousing the psychic aspects of a person. Consecrated Isha Panchamukhi (five faced) Rudraksha bead. After cleaning, wash your Rudraksha with some blessed pure holy water or milk. Rudraksha should not be worn like jewelry and kept aside later. When wearing Rudraksha, silk thread is the best natural option to use due to its quality and strength. Adiyogi Rudraksha with copper chain. end up harming their health or their prosperity. Uttarabhadrapada -People with this birth nakshatra have the same ruling planet as Pushya & Anuradha nakshatra i.e Saturn,hence they should also wear 7 or 14 mukhi rudraksha to get the maximum benefits. You can even wear it when you sleep or shower. Regardless of how you wear It can help detect if the food or water you're having is pure or not. Shravana -People with this nakshatra have same ruling planet as Rohini and Hasta i.e Moon hence such people should go for 2 mukhi rudraksha to get the maximum benefits. When a person decides to wear a Rudraksha, it should become like a part of them. Let us say somebody did it to the person sitting next you, but he is not receptive to it. If he has to go there due to any reason, then Rudraksh should be removed first. Sadhguru Offers Inner Engineering Completion, Isha Institute of Inner-sciences, Tennessee, USA, Rudraksha - benefits of panchmukhi, ek mukhi, gauri shankar and more, 2. The mala can be worn all the time. This is why, you should Can you use it to recondition the next time or cook with? The Rudraksha possess mystical and divine properties and creates a protection for the wearer. This has to do with the energy movement in the mala. This is a natural process; it does not have to do with sadhana or yogic practices. He should speak truth always and must visit Lord Shiva temple for his blessings. you are sleeping. It lowers your blood pressure, calms your nerves and brings a certain calmness and alertness in your nervous system. Wearer may experience heat signal out of Ek mukhi Rudraksha after wearing it, considering fire is symbolic of Rudraksha. It will help them calm down and be more focused. Cracked beads on a Rudraksha mala should be removed, as their energy will be altered and may not be conducive to the wearer. Shani Bad Effects: , . The rudraksha will help in curing several diseases like blood related issues, blood pressure, body weakness, fatigue and laziness. Then wear Rudraksha. Should the ghee be thrown out after conditioning? There are other reasons why you should remove your rudraksha Perform the prayers and rituals to sanctify the beads. Also this has to be repeated before bed time in addition after removing the Rudraksha. If you hold it above any positive pranic substance, it will move in a clockwise direction. For spiritual seekers, it supports to enhance ones spiritual growth. All natural handmade dasangam/dhoop powder with cow dung cups. Revati -People with this nakshatra have the same ruling planet as Ashlesha & Jyestha i.e Mercury, hence they should also wear 4 mukhi rudraksha to get the maximum benefits. This should not be worn on the body, but these are being sold as authentic beads in many places. Consecrated in Dhyanalinga. Rudraksha which came from the tears of lord Shiva, is one of the most powerful Healing wood amongst the all healing objects. After washing, apply the paste of the sandalwood on it. The best time to wear the Rudraksha is during the morning time. This is especially true if you are in love with someone. Sandalwood paste and sandalwood oil or mustard oil. Punarvasu -if your birth nakshatra is Punarvasu, then the ruling planet is jupiter, hence you should go for 5 mukhi rudraksh. Kritika-if your birth nakshatra is kritika, then your ruling planet is sun, hence you should go for 12, 11 mukhi rudraksha. After continuous taking of Non - Vegetarian food while wearing rudraksha makes the rudraksha mala to have least power. Therefore, there are certain rules you should follow when People under this should go for 5 and 3 mukhi rudraksha. The extra bead is the bindu. But it is fine to store Rudraksha in copper when not conditioning. It is also normal that some color of the thread may also come out during the conditioning. Chant mantra by 108 times with a right hand. If in case you just shower only with the plain cold water without the use of any soap or chemicals, then it is considered good to pour the water upon the Rudraksha and as well on your body too. Exceptions are permitted. Get weekly updates on the latest blogs via newsletters right in your mailbox. Kumbha(Aquarius)-The ruling planet of this zodiac sign is Saturn. Then you should wear the mentioned rudraksh and it will cure all such disease. , Before wearing Rudraksha it should be dedicated to Lord Shiva. For men, do not wear while attending funerals. A guru usually energizes a rudraksha in different ways for different kinds of people. Another set of astrologers believe that the rudraksha can actually purify your thoughts. you should consider removing any old beads, if you have them. If the thread becomes dirty or damaged, change it. After regular cleaning, oil the bead and offer them the incense. keep them in a clean and dry place. People under this should go for 3 and 5 mukhi rudraksha. Even it will help you to gain the confidence if you lack it. The Rudraksha mala has a very long . People under this should go for 6 and 7 mukhi rudraksha. It is best to reposition the bindu to be at the center of your chest, but once you start to move again, so will the bindu. What writing was to Brahmastra, casting will be to this Adipurush. It is a divine bead that symbolizes the relationship between heaven and earth. Leaving them in 3. People under this should go for 4 and 6 mukhi rudraksha. There must always be a bindu to the mala, otherwise the energy becomes cyclical and people who are sensitive may become dizzy. It enhances focus & improves concentration. In case if you feel uncomfortable then you might take them off during the night time and after taking them off, you must keep them in place where you worship and on next day wear it after taking the bath. Rudraksha beads are a product of nature. The smaller beads are rare to find hence the difference in the price. Conditioning will not help in reversing this process. Use code "SALE10" in ccavenue payment gateway and get flat 10% off on your purchase. But if you wish to remove it on certain occasions, you may do so. Clean these as frequently as you can.. Today in India, there is another seed called badraksh which is a poisonous seed, which grows extensively in Uttar Pradesh, Bihar and that area. thoughts. Exudes energies of Dhyanalinga. One has to take bath before wearing the Rudraksha in the morning. Therefore it is very important that youtake care of this thing and make sure that the ties or knot are loose. For offerings in pooja (a coconut(dried and whole), cloth usually towel or hankerchief,5 different type seasonal fruits, betel nut(supari in Hindi)betel-leaves(pan ke patte) and flowers). mukhi rudraksha beads.. Since Rudraksha is incredibly divine and pure in its nature, It should be held in gold. Although this may seem contradictory, it is actually not. So it is important that you get your mala from a trusted source. In fact, you should change the beads at least every A rudraksha is the seed of the Elaeocarpus ganitrus tree and plays an important role in a spiritual seeker's life. The mental or physical state of the individual also does not matter as far as wearing the blessed seed is considered. First, you need to take a bath before 12 noon. The you can wear the Rudraksha under your pillow. Five-faced beads or panchmukhi is safe and good for everyone - man, woman and child. It can also help treat cold, cough, and skin issues. Start your day off right, with a Dayspring Coffee During the purification process of Rudraksha, one must offer the bel patte(bel leaves), dhoop, flowers(usuallu in red color) and lamp. rudraksha. For an adult , it is suggested that he/she should not wear the mala less then 84 beads. Anti-bacterial. 5. And both characters are over the legal age at 21. While traveling one should sleep wear it. Today in India, there is another seed called badraksh which is a poisonous seed, which grows extensively in Uttar Pradesh, Bihar and that area. In case if you feel uncomfortable wearing the Rudraksha during the night time, then you may remove it. Supports rural women artisans. The beads are worn by people of all ages, genders, and backgrounds. Therefore, it is should share love with everyone. negative effects. After you buy a Rudraksha bead, wash it with pure fresh water and then dip it in the cow's milk for one full day before wearing it. What is the best vessel to store or condition Rudraksha in? One must keep care of this thing that the mukhi you buy should be well defined, and should be natural, there should be no cracks. In fact, you should change the beads at least every This history takes place 5 years after the events of Total Drama. In the Vedic Culture, the Rudraksha Mala was gifted to the disciple for starting a new life and he took mala as an honor or the remembrance of the Guru.So if a Guru gifts you a mala, never deny just accept it and start wearing it. Sakranti or Amawasya is also considered as the auspicioustime to wear the Rudraksha. 7. Now you may get it because you are sitting next to him. Consecrated Dhyanalinga Yantra [20mm]. Consecrated at Dhyanalinga. Chitra -People with this nakshatra have the same ruling planet as Mrigashira & Dhanishtha i.e Mars, hence they should also wear 3 mukhi rudraksha to get the maximum benefits. Discover the amazing benefits of wearing rudraksha and how different kinds of rudraksha such as Panchmukhi, Ek Mukhi, and Gauri Shankar have different benefits. Dust and dirt can settle within the pores of the bead. you should consider removing any old beads, if you have them. Purvabhadrapada -People with this birth nakshatra have the same ruling planet as Punarvasu & Vishakha i.e Jupiter,hence they should also wear 5 mukhi rudraksha to get the maximum benefits. After that, you can meditate and wear it again. Silver or strong red or black thread is even ok to go for the rudraksha. You may think nobody will do negative things to you, but it is not necessary that it should be targeted at you. Unique Design. Do not wash them with soap or any cleaning material. Isha Rudraksha can be ordered at It depends on which school of thought you believe. If someone wants to attain the maximum benefit and positive outcome of the rudraksh then it is advisable to go for the spiritual practice like meditation to align you with the positive energy and direction they provide to you in life. In case if you suddenly started facing financial related issues, then wearing the 8 mukhi rudraksh will help you to overcome that issue as well. After that, you can meditate and wear it again. Mrigashira - if your birth nakshatra is Mrigashira, then the ruling planet is mars, hence you should go for 3 mukhi rudraksha. Similarly, it's important not to To look at, both these seeds look the same. In particular, you should not wear the mala at the One Veda, the Atharvana Veda, is all about how to use energies to your advantage and to someone elses detriment. Never lie when talking to others. And the wearer may feel that the mala does not work as was while wearing initially. The possessor of this Rudraksha is blessed by Lord Kuber. funeral or the cremation site. People under this should go for 6 and 7 mukhi rudraksha.12. are worn by anyone. The rudraksha beads have sharp edges. It will also help to boost your effective communication. Six Mukhi Rudraksha: Six Mukhi Rudraksha helps people remove money-related problems. Discover the Powers & Secrets of Gemstones. Natives who are suffering from Kaal Sarp Dosha would also find relief upon wearing of an 8 Mukhi Rudraksha. Allow it to dry under fan if you reside in a very humid climate, then let the beads soak in water overnight and scrub with a tough plastic brush to clear the pores. While you're preparing Original Therefore it is very important that you. the mala will cause them to lose their energy. not take it to the hospital if you're expecting. It is important not to thread the mala too tightly or else the beads may become pressed against each other and crack. When conditioning a new Rudraksha, there is sometimes a yellow leakage coming from the beads - is this normal? However, Shani Dev is the god who brings justice and balances out the good and . Do not wash them with soap or any cleaning material. Nightmare disorder may cause: Excessive daytime sleepiness, which can lead to difficulties at school or work, or problems with everyday tasks, such as driving and concentrating. If you have any problem while chanting the mantra then you can simply follow. Vrishabha(Taurus)-The ruling planet of this zodiac sign is Venus. advised that the wearer should practice discipline. It can elevate your life and enhance your being. beads are made from the seed of Rudraksha and are available in different Neem, Turmeric & Nilavembu Kashayam tablet combo, Neem Turmeric capsule, Nilavembu Kashayam 30-day pack, Authentic Isha Panchamukhi (five-faced) Rudraksha Mala. Similarly, it's important not to One should take the bath then should wear the Rudraksh or mala. Rudraksha mala is also quite efficient in treating skin-related issues, including itching, skin irritation, and wounds. The rudraksh will help in curing several issues such as hopelessness, less success in life, lack in confidence. bring it to funerals. are not touching it with a dirty hand. the power of Original 1 People under this should go for 2 and 3 mukhi rudraksha. The best time to wear the Rudraksha is . Consecrated Dhyanalinga Yantra [12mm]. The rudraksh will help in curing several diseases such as Diseases of Lungs, Fever, Eye Pain, Bowel Pain, Skin Disease, Body Pain Then you should wear the mentioned rudraksh and it will cure all such health issues. It is believed that Rudraksha is made from the tears of Lord Mahadev. The wearer of the Rudraksha should not eat Non vegetarian food . Five-faced beads orpanchmukhiis safe and good for everyone man, woman and child. Rudraksha is considered to be the ornament of Mahadev (Lord Shiva). Gowri Shankar: These are beads which look like two beads fused together and can be worn by anyone above 14 years of age. Monday is an ideal day for wearing Ek mukhi Rudraksha for first-time wearer. Although it's recommended to wear it, you should 8. should avoid eating non-vegetarian food while wearing the mala. choosing a selection results in a full page refresh. It is just like when two people are shooting at each other on the street, they do not intend to shoot you, but you may get shot. at the same time, your body weight can also injure the sharp points in rudraksha. remember that the beads in a. should not come in According to some astrologers and experts, you should not wear rudraksha while doing any inauspicious work. Problems related to skin, hallucination, bad dreams can also be easily cured upon wearing of this 8 faced Rudraksha. you should be truthful. ritual for every rudraksha is different which consists viniyog nyas sankalpa abhishek and mantra japa . Chant the mantra "OM NAMAH SHIVAAY" with pure heart. This 5 Mukhi Rudraksha prevents . sellers. Wearing the rudraksha is believed to make you free from any sins. during the menstrual cycle. If I Am Eating Non Vegetarian Food? This bead is said to cure heart diseases, kidney problems, headaches, and other problems. alcohol. What are the benefits of each type of Rudraksha? One should wear the single bead Rudraksha or you can make the mala(necklace) of red or yellow color thread and then wear it. 2019 - 2022 Isha Life Pvt. whenever you are visiting a cemetery or cremation then also you should remove the rudraksha at home. The devotee gets the power of speech . It can come in so many ways. negative effects. six months. The wearer of the Rudraksha must avoid eat non vegetarian food and should not take alcohol. wearing this kind of beads. Created solely for the benefit of Mankind - to get them rid of their Past Karmas and to empower them . Anyone, irrespective of gender, cultural, ethnic, geographical or religious background can wear Rudraksha. Similarly these things also can happen. People under this should go for 12 and 3 mukhi rudraksha. It is possible for some people to use negative energies to cause harm to someone else. Rudraksha: A Shield Against Negative Energies. Tula(Libra)-The ruling planet of this zodiac sign is Venus. For people in family situations, it is energized in one way. Using plastic to store or condition a Rudraksha is not ideal because plastics can react and leak harmful substances. Handmade Sambrani/ Loban (blended resin) with cow dung cups (12 pcs). Original Isha fragrance. If to get energy from Rudraksha is felt necessary one can keep them under the pillow. Many get confused with the form and size. Dhanu(Sagittarius)-The ruling planet of this zodiac sign is Jupiter. Moreover, rudraksha should be removed when you But after wearing rudraksha if person have excessive habit, due to increment of intuitive power and will power , rudraksha helps to maintain the habit to normal level so that health of the wearer remains perfect all the . Rudraksha Mala is a string of beads used mostly for meditation purposes. Arvind P Bankaar, a rudraksha expert from Rudrajyoothi, says, "Our ancient texts hold a magical remedy for these self-inflicted human problems - the rudraksha." Various scientific researches worldwide have proven its electromagnetic properties, which work magically on the human body. The smaller ones cost more simply because the Rudraksha is not plucked from a tree, they wait for it to fall down, fully ripe and fall down. People who do not sleep or have problems in sleeping, they will also get benefit from this. Especially when not using the bead for sometime, or storing it for a long time. Rudraksha divine beads is worn by anybody regardless of age, sex caste, creed, culture and place. Purify your rudraksha and recharge it with the corresponding mantra. After a long time, you will be to sleep well. Bharani -if your birth nakshatra is bharani, then the ruling planet is venus, the you should go for 6 mukhi rudraksh. A combination of Rudraksha bead powder, Tulsi, and honey is highly beneficial in curing colds and coughs. This helps maintain its sanctity. Even it will help you to gain the peace of mind. the purification ritual and wear it. People under this should go for 2 and 5 mukhi rudraksha.9. Please note that Gauri Shankar and Adiyogi Rudraksha can be conditioned as usual since the copper casing on them is minimal. Consecrated at Dhyanalinga. 4. 1. It balances a human's chakras, removing potential illnesses. It is believed that by keeping Rudraksha under pillows, sleep gives spiritual peace and bad dreams do not come. Not only that, but your body weight can crack the beads. After a long time, you will be to sleep well. There are certain situations that are not conducive for Rudraksha. Then you should wear the mentioned rudraksh and it will help you to cure all such disease.

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